Case Law

The substantial volume of case law in Qualex has the following quantitative and qualitative features:

  • Full spectrum coverage (all fields of law)
  • Representative nature: case law on all legal issues in all jurisdictions and from courts of every level
  • Objectivity: presentation of all case law trends - conflicting case law
  • Swift updates: daily uploading of new and older judgments, especially with regard to current issues or in case of changes in case law
  • Organization, standardization and classification of court decisions based on the particular characteristics of each court and each jurisdiction

Qualex.01 comprises over 80,000 judgments of both the highest courts and the ordinary courts of Greece, covering the full spectrum of judgments for the years 2013-2020, along with a selection of important judgments from previous years. The Qualex team of experts has added value to these judgments, through top-notch legal processing and the creation of adequate links, which enable users to obtain targeted results for their search.

Case law content is updated on a daily basis with the addition of thousands of judgments, both published and unpublished, of Greek and international courts. Where a judgment has been analysed in literature, it is linked to the relevant annotation or study.